First Aid Offroad traveling

First aid kit 4WARD4X4 shop

First Aid Offroad traveling

During an expediton is a doctor or the next hospital normally far away. Aside of civilisation a moderate injury increasingly becomes a major problem. Therefore you should be up-to-date with your first-aid knowledge and prepared to help yourself or others in remote areas.
It is is especially sceptical  out of the way like in the Tundra, in deserts and higher mountain areas.
Plan your trip well and pay more attention to the subject First Aid Offroad traveling.

There is a fundamental difference between countries, for example area of the country (remoteness of the civilization), difficulty of the terrain, usage of your cell phone. funk, satellite telephone and much more.

If an accident happens in the outback, you have to bring an injured person under unpleasant circumstances by 4×4 offroad vehicle to the next doctor or to a hospital.
How can you help yourself in difficult situations and emergencies? Before you go on your trip, you should think about all these questions thoughtfully.

  • An injured must be returned to the vehicle?
    Are you alone or do you have someone to help.
  • What do you do for injuries caused by poisonous animals ?
    How do I know which poisonous and dangerous animals there are in my travel destination – how can I take measures to avoid a bite?
  • How to bind up open wounds?
    Have I made a first aid course in recent years? Do I have enough informations?
  • What can I do with broken extremities?
    How can I splint a broken leg or a broken arm?
  • What do you do in case of toothache?
    Do I have enough painkillers? Should I see a dentist before?
  • What we pack in our travel pharmacy?
    Does someone of the travelers has a chronical diseas, allergies or asthma? More Information to the first-aid kit hier
  • How to treat tropical diseases ?
    Thoughts: Which diseases can I infect with? Are there vaccinations ? More information hier

These are some problems that can happen inserts on expeditons and long-term travel and offroad .

Depending on how critical an emergency is, you should be able to call for help quickly. For example with a satellite telephon or sometimes you are able to call via cell phone.

Important Information Websites for First Aid Offroad traveling

Medical Service and Info-Service

Foreign office

Tropical institut

Foreign travel consultant