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Defender Corrosion Protection Cavity preservation Defender

Corrosion protection or cavity preservation is the best way to prevent damage caused by corrosion on metall components for Land Rover Defender Corrosion Protection. Such as vehicle frames, doors, trusses and other components. At the Land Rover Defender the corrosion attack can lead to an impairment of the stability on the body or the ladder frame and thus to the safety of the vehicle.

Your Land Rover Defender will rust more quickly, lose its value, and over time the damage to the load bearing parts of the vehicle will accumulate. To avoid this, you can protect your vehicle: Cavity Conservation Land Rover – Mike Sanders and Underbody Seal with Perma & Fluid Film! The Defender Corrosion Protection is neccessary to control it every 2 years.

Why cavity preservation?

Subsequent cavity sealing and underfloor protection are essential for a long Land Rover Defender life. Vehicles usually rust from the inside out. As a result, the grate is often noticed only when it is too late.

Consequences are then:

  • loss of value
  • Impairment of the stability of structural members
  • Impairment of the safety of your Land Rover

Which Cavity Protection?

There are several ways to protect your vehicle from corrosion. But the experience has taught, and the skilled workers agree that only the Mike Sanders cavity preservation and are the Permafilm underbody protection have proven.

Particularly in the case of under-floor protection, it is important that it can be seen whether the vehicle starts to rust. The classic tar-based floor protection is overhauled. The rust, which is under the protection of the tar, is not visible and spreads further.

A second alternative is wax. This alternative is, however, not recommended, as wax, in contrast to grease, has the property of being more poorly adherent in angered areas. In addition, grease sucks in the rusted surfaces and keeps oxygen and moisture away from the body. If rusty sheet metal is only coated with wax, it would rust under the wax.

Wir empfehlen daher Mike Sanders Corrosion protection grease .

Mike Sanders corrosion protection grease without plasticizer is the unbeatable long-term cavity protection on the market. Due to the permanent creep effect of the fat, it is able to penetrate and protect in cracks and crevices. The fat is heated for a long time to 120 ° C, sprayed with compressed air through a long cavity nozzle and then immediately cools on the metal. We offer the highest standard of cavity preservation through the exact adherence and the correct procedure. A good cavity seal is set right there. It seals the cavities in such a way that neither rinsed water nor salt can reach the metal and can cause its disaster in combination with oxygen. Contaminated cavities and daily temperature fluctuations in our latitudes usually cause condensation on the Land Rover Defender, which leads to a humid permanent climate and causes

Warum Mike Sanders Korrosionsschutz?

The quality of cavity preservation plays an important role. If you have decided to preserve your Land Rover off-road vehicle, this should be done under certain conditions. It is important not only to use the correct and high-quality anti-corrosive grease, but also to make the application conscientious and thorough. With a professionally performed Mike Sanders corrosion protection and perma film Underbody protection The rust can no longer affect your Land Rover.

Especially with the Defender, which is no longer manufactured in the near future, one must attach importance that the body is maintained and protected. The Land Rover Defender will not regret you!

Why a cavity preservation can be carried out in the workshop?

Prior to the cavity preservation, we first determine the condition of your Land Rover vehicle and especially the cavities and the underbody protection. Thanks to our many years of experience and our conscientious execution of cavity preservation, your Land Rover Defender is permanently protected against corrosion.